Kits are available to
ALL Shiloh Shepherd owners, regardless of where they will be registering their dogs. [
We offer several options to complete your registration process. Select the option that best suits your needs.
ONLINE submission
- Gather the information needed for the application you are requesting.
- Once you have your information gathered, complete our online application.
- You will be automatically directed to a payment page immediately following your application submittal. Payment is required before forms will be processed.
Submit via EMAIL
- Visit our forms section to download the necessary forms [HERE].
- Complete forms entirely, then scan as PDF
- email scanned forms to TSSRinfo@gmail.com (be sure to include your dog’s name & sire/dam in subject line)
- Visit our Payment Center [HERE] to complete your submission.
payment in full is required before forms will be processed (be sure to note in the comment section on the payment screen that your application, etc. has been emailed)
- Submit required attachments (pictures, health testing, etc) AS THEY ARE COMPLETED; they will be compiled in your registration folder (be sure to include your dog’s name & sire/dam in subject line)
Have Questions?
- Visit our FAQ section to see if we have already found your answer [HERE].
- Still need help? Contact us directly [HERE]
- When inquiring about the registration, status, etc of your dog, be sure to reference their call name, sire/dam and year of birth in the subject line of all emails.