Thank You

Thank you for your submission!

Adult Registration:

Your Application for Adult Registration has been received. Acknowledgement emails will be sent out and a registry folder created. The following documents must be on file with the Registry Office prior to issuance of your Certificate:

  • four (4) pictures of your dog, 1 front, 1 back, 1 each side (standing)
  • faults & virtues form (breeding dogs); submit online [HERE]
  • height/weight verification (breeding dogs) [HERE]; email PDF scan of completed form
  • applicable health testing; these can be emailed to the Registry Office as soon as you receive the results
  • DNA (breeding dogs); order your kit [HERE]
  • temperament testing or equivalent (breeding dogs); email PDF scan of certificate

Pictures, forms and/or results can be emailed to Registry Office at be sure to include your dog’s name and sire/dam in the subject line.

Thank you for choosing the TSSR, Inc.